Фотки керамбитов: Фото Керамбит (48 фото)

Фото Керамбит (48 фото)

Керамбит — национальный нож жителей Малайского архипелага. Керамбит представляет собой небольшое кривое серповидное лезвие, с заточной по внутренней изогнутой части, с рукояткой имеющей выемки для пальцев. На конце рукояти имеется кольцо для большого или указательного пальца для лучшего обратного хвата ножа. Керамбит имеет древнюю историю и изобретен был как холодное оружия для самообороны. В этом фтоальбоме представлены фото нескольких видов этого экзотического ножа, во второй половине прошлого века получившего распространение во многих странах мира.

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Рисунки керамбита для срисовки (15 фото) 🔥 Прикольные картинки и юмор

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Картинки керамбит (35 фото) • Прикольные картинки и позитив
Керамбит используется военными, особенно часто это оружие можно увидеть в онлайн играх. Маленький изогнутый нож с кольцом для пальца удобно держать в руке и он достаточно эффективен в ближнем бою. Смотрите далее красивые картинки про керамбит.
Крутой нож с узорами.
Металлический керамбит.
Красный нож с чехлом.
Желтая раскраска оружия.
Черный керамбит.
Красное кольцо для пальца.
Картинка керамбита.
Зеленый нож с рукояткой.
Желтые узоры на заточке.
Крутой красный керамбит.
Два кольца для пальцев.
Изогнутая заточка.
Разноцветный керамбит.
Маленький нож.
Металлический цвет ножа.
Картинка черного керамбита.
Узоры паутиной.
Черно-желтый нож.
Крутой керамбит.
Стильный желтый нож.
Маленькое холодное оружие.
Золотой керамбит.
Красная полоска на черном цвете.
Военный нож.
Красный керамбит на белом фоне.
Цвета радуги на заточке.
Нож с рисунком паутины.
Картинка с керамбитом.
Изогнутый черный нож.
Разноцветный керамбит.
Яркая зеленая рукоять.
Красивый красный нож.
Серебристый керамбит.

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Классные картинки ножа Керамбита из КС ГО - подборка 13

Классные картинки ножа Керамбита из КС ГО - подборка 1 Классные картинки ножа Керамбита из КС ГО - подборка 2 Классные картинки ножа Керамбита из КС ГО - подборка 3 Классные картинки ножа Керамбита из КС ГО - подборка 4 Классные картинки ножа Керамбита из КС ГО - подборка 5 Классные картинки ножа Керамбита из КС ГО - подборка 6 Классные картинки ножа Керамбита из КС ГО - подборка 7 Классные картинки ножа Керамбита из КС ГО - подборка 8 Классные картинки ножа Керамбита из КС ГО - подборка 9 Классные картинки ножа Керамбита из КС ГО - подборка 10 Классные картинки ножа Керамбита из КС ГО - подборка 11 Классные картинки ножа Керамбита из КС ГО - подборка 12 Классные картинки ножа Керамбита из КС ГО - подборка 14 Классные картинки ножа Керамбита из КС ГО - подборка 15 Классные картинки ножа Керамбита из КС ГО - подборка 16 Классные картинки ножа Керамбита из КС ГО - подборка 17

Смотрите еще — Самые крутые картинки из World of Warcraft на заставку телефона — подборка

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90000 Karambit FAQ Frequently Asked Questions 90001 90002 90003 90004 90002 90006 GENERAL KARAMBIT QUESTIONS 90007 90008 90006 Q: What is a karambit? 90008 Q: 90007 90006 Where do karambits come from? 90007 90008 90006 Q: What are karambits used for? 90008 Q: 90007 90006 Why are karambits shaped so weirdly? 90008 Q: 90007 90006 Why do karambits have a ring? 90008 Q: 90007 90006 Do karambits have to have a ring? 90008 90007 90006 Q: What are the advantages offered by a karambit knife? 90008 90007 90006 Q: Who should consider carrying a karambit? 90008 90007 90006 Q: How do you carry a karambit? 90008 90007 90006 Q: Are there different types of karambits? 90008 90007 90006 Q: What type of karambit is best? 90008 90007 90004 90002 90006 KARAMBIT LAWS 90007 90006 90008 Q: Are karambits legal to own? 90007 90008 90006 Q: Are karambits legal to carry concealed? 90007 90008 90006 Q: What are the laws in the United States about karambits? 90007 90008 90006 Q: What are the laws internationally about karambits? 90007 90008 90006 90008 KARAMBIT USE AND TRAINING 90007 90008 90006 Q: Is the karambit a fighting knife? 90007 90008 90006 Q: I’m not a martial artist.I’m a hunter, fisherman, rock climber or backpacker. Can a karambit be useful to me as a utility knife? 90007 90008 90006 Q: I’m military, a first responder, EMT, paramedic, search and rescue technician, LEO, or other field operative. Can a karambit serve as a field or survival knife? 90007 90008 90006 Q: Can I carry a karambit as an every day carry blade? 90007 90008 90006 Q: Are there varieties of karambits that are best for beginners? 90007 90008 90006 Q: How can I learn to use a karambit? 90007 90008 90006 Q: Should I learn to spin a karambit? 90007 90008 90006 Q: Is a training karambit necessary? 90007 90008 90006 Q: At what point should you switch from a training blade to a live blade? 90007 90008 90006 Q: I’ve heard karambits are dangerous.Are they? 90007 90004 90002 90006 OTHER COMMON QUESTIONS 90007 90004 90002 90098 90004 90100 90006 GENERAL KARAMBIT QUESTIONS 90007 90103 90002 90006 What is a karambit? 90008 90007 The karambit is a curved knife originating in Southeast Asia. Most karambit knives are small and easily concealable. One of their most easily identifiable features is their safety ring at the end of the handle. According to Indonesian legend and tradition, the karambit’s design is based on a tiger’s claw.As such, this unique, curved blade readily lends itself to hooking, ripping, tearing and slicing. With its blade geometry, clean ergonomics, and secure grip, karambits offer functionality in all kinds of environments and situations. Dig deeper into karambit basics by reading our karambit overview. 90004 90002 Return to Top 90004 90002 90006 Where do karambits come from? 90008 90007 The modern karambit has roots in Southeast Asia, most notably Indonesia and the Philippines. Karambit knives first surfaced in ancient Indonesia during the 11th century and quickly spread throughout the rest of Southeast Asia due to a thriving trade industry.Karambits made their way to the United States during the 20th century and were introduced into mainstream culture by practitioners of Filipino and Indonesian martial arts. Nowadays, quality handmade, custom, art / display and production karambits can be found in all corners of the world for any imaginable use or purpose. 90004 90002 Return to Top 90004 90002 90006 What are karambits used for? 90008 90007 Both the Filipino karambit and Indonesian karambit have been used for centuries as an «every day carry» utility blade that readily doubled as a self defense weapon in times of need.Due to their design, specifically, their curved blade and safety ring, karambits offer many advantages over other types of knives. They’re multi-functional and can be used for hunting, fishing, work, farming, combative and other applications. While karambits are internationally recognized as one of the traditional weapons of Indonesia’s indigenous combat art, Pencak Silat, karambits are not just for fighting and self defense. This time-tested blade offer great benefits to users outside the martial arts community, particularly those who are seeking a dynamic every day carry or utility knife.90004 90002 Return to Top 90004 90002 90006 Why are karambits curved? 90127 90008 90007 The karambit’s unique appearance is often what draws people to them but the karambit’s design is firmly rooted in function, not form. While the curving blade and other karambit-specific features can be very alluring, the karambit is shaped the way it is to provide its user with safety in all environments (even underwater, when it’s icy or the wielder is hanging upside down), precision and stability when working at odd angles or on difficult tasks and usability in tight, cramped or otherwise usually inaccessible spaces.The karambit’s curve grants its user extra reach and access to multiple planes of use that a straight blade wielder can only dream of. The blade geometry also allows for cleaner, deeper cuts with less effort. The karambit’s curve also lets the knife to move in several directions at once or to perform two movements simultaneously with only one hand motion from the user. 90004 90002 Return to Top 90004 90002 90006 Why do karambits have a ring? 90008 90007 The karambit’s safety ring offers its owner a secure grip and unparalleled weapon retention.Most importantly, the safety ring prevents the knife from sliding back through the user’s hand when in use. It also facilitates quick draws and deployments while ensuring the knife is optimally positioned for use without ever requiring the user to take their eyes off the job at hand. The safety ring keeps the karambit in the user’s hand while in motion, in slippery situations, or while in weird positions. As a bonus, the ring allows the karambit to be «palmed» with an open hand, thereby allowing the user to dual-wield a flashlight or gun.90004 90002 Return to Top 90004 90002 90006 Do karambits have to have a ring? 90008 90007 Not technically. Even though the ring is the karambit’s most readily identifiable feature, it’s the curved blade shape and the hooking, tearing, and slicing functionality that designates a knife as a karambit. However, it is 90144 very 90145 difficult to obtain the advantages traditionally offered by a karambit without a safety ring and as such, the modern karambit almost always features a safety or retention ring.90004 90002 Return to Top 90004 90002 90006 What are the advantages offered by a karambit knife? 90007 90006 90008 90007 The karambit’s assured, no-slip grip offers user safety in even the most hostile conditions. Whether it’s icy, too dusty to see, or the knife is being used upside-down or underwater, due to the safety ring, a karambit user knows beyond a shadow of a doubt his knife will not move during intricate or detailed work, slide back through his hand causing severe, accidental injury.Furthermore, it will not be dropped, easily disarmed or used against him, even during a struggle or if he falls. Both the user’s grip and the actual position of the knife itself can be widely varied to achieve maximum benefit for the task at hand. Unlike other blades the karambit is secure and still able to be used without fear of dropping it or losing control even when switching hands. No other knife in the world offers the karambit’s safety and every day carry functionality for routine tasks, including gardening, camping, fishing, hunting, backpacking, farming, construction and other household / work applications, while also providing effective and seamless self defense capability.90004 90002 In combat, the karambit’s unique design allows it to easily change fighting ranges without body movement, provides the ability to counter and attack in the same movement, allows multiple strikes to be delivered with one arm movement and it allows lines of attack straight blades are unable to utilize. Its movement in battle is difficult to follow with the naked eye and it is easily concealable. The safety ring offers instant, yet safe, use out of a quick draw and ensures the blade can not be easily disarmed.90004 90002 Return to Top 90004 90002 90006 Who should consider carrying a karambit? 90007 90006 90008 90007 Anyone seeking wide-ranging functionality from their knife should consider a karambit knife, but hunters, fisherman, backpackers, rock climbers, spelunkers, field operatives, law enforcement or peace keeping officials, first responders, search and rescue units, military and government workers, preppers and martial artists might find particular value in this unique curved blade. Others who will enjoy the karambit’s benefits include construction workers, carpenters, plumbers and utility workers.Not only can the karambit gain access to tight areas others knives can not, but it also provides stability and safety at weird angles, in cramped spaces, in difficult situations and in high-stress situations. As a tool, the karambit is able to be utilized for almost any chore requiring a blade and can also serve as a weapon when needed. Owning a karambit means having to carry only one knife instead of being forced to carry multiple blades in order to be prepared for a wide variety of possibilities.90004 90002 Return to Top 90004 90002 90006 How do you carry a karambit? 90171 90007 90008 There are as many ways to carry a karambit as there are uses for one. Popular options for concealed carry include: 90004 90175 90176 Hanging around the neck on a breakaway or quick-draw cord 90177 90176 On the front of the body on either hip 90177 90176 In your pocket 90177 90176 In a shoulder, thigh or boot rig 90177 90176 In a sheath on your belt 90177 90176 With a static cord draw 90177 90188 90002 Ultimately, how a karambit is carried depends on how it’s being used, who’s doing the carrying, how quickly you need access to it, the type of karambit and what you’re comfortable with.90004 90002 Return to Top 90004 90002 90006 Are there different types of karambits? 90007 90006 90008 90007 Absolutely. Modern karambits come in both 90006 fixed 90007 blade and 90006 folding 90007 blade varieties. Some karambits are 90006 production 90007 karambits, which typically means they’re mass-produced by large companies, and others are 90006 custom 90007 karambits and available on a limited basis. Many custom karambits are designed by a blade smith and are handmade with love, but not all.Some custom karambits are cut by machine and then finished by hand while others are simply designed for a specific client or purpose. Functional karambits are «live» blades, meaning they’re sharp. Practice or «training» karambits have no sharpened edges and are designed for accident-free martial arts, tactical, self defense, combative and field instruction and learning. 90004 90002 When it comes to karambit design beyond basic categorization (fixed karambit vs. folding karambit, live blade vs.training blade, etc.), variations, materials and features are practically unlimited. The important thing to remember is that a karambit knife should be designed for function, not form. Dig into the karambit’s Southeast Asian roots and several regional varieties will surface. Additionally, while the safety ring and curved blade of the modern karambit are practically universal, the distinctive features of the karambit knife readily lend themselves to diverse functional modifications. For example, if a fighting style utilizes a lot of pressure points, nerve attacks or «control devices,» then a tactical karambit with a spur extending from the safety ring offers obvious advantages.If you’re an EMT or search and rescue technician, then a deeply serrated back blade would provide you with the ability to saw, cut seatbelts, thick bandages and clothing with ease and handle other routine field, survival or medical tasks. 90004 90002 Return to Top 90004 90002 90006 What type of karambit is best? 90007 90006 90008 90007 The best type of karambit is the one best suited for the user’s needs. Every user and every situation is different. In general, fixed blade karambits offer superior reliability and strength due to the lack of moving parts, but can be more difficult to conceal or carry.Folding karambits more closely mirror the Western «pocket knife,» but may not offer the assured safety or sturdiness required for some applications. As a rule of thumb, the more functionality and utility you demand of a karambit, the closer you should stick to traditional karambit design (fixed blade, safety ring, sharply curved blade). However, there’s not a magic answer and no «one size fits all» karambit. First answer the question, «What will I do with this karambit?» and then review 90006 karambit anatomy 90007 and 90006 variations 90007 before selecting the karambit best suited for your needs.90004 90002 Return to Top 90004 90100 90006 KARAMBIT LAWS 90007 90103 90002 90006 Are karambits legal to own? 90008 90007 Generally, yes. Karambits are regulated at the state level and while each state’s laws can vary, most allow utility, work and functional blades that have a blade length of 3 «or less or that are specifically designed for hunting or agricultural use. Be certain to check your state’s laws regarding karambits and remember that by purchasing a blade from karambit.com, you’re agreeing to abide by your local statutes.90004 90002 Return to Top 90004 90002 90006 Are karambits legal to carry concealed? 90007 Conceal carry laws vary widely state to state. Generally, a person carrying an item that could be used as a weapon who is also concealing it must have a Concealed Carry permit or license. However, it’s best to check your state’s laws. While some states allow small blades to be concealed and carried for every day or routine use, others require that any knife user who wants to carry a concealed knife that could serve as a weapon hold a CCW permit.90004 90002 Return to Top 90004 90002 90006 What are the federal laws in the United States about karambits? 90008 90007 Karambits are not currently federally controlled by the United States government and are instead regulated at the state level. Each state’s knife laws can vary widely and there is little rhyme or reason to the statutes currently on the books. Some states have no legislation concerning the ownership, carry or use of karambits while karambits are outright forbidden in a couple.Always check and abide by the laws in your state as well as those of any states you may travel to or frequent. 90004 90002 Return to Top 90004 90100 90006 KARAMBIT USE AND TRAINING 90007 90103 90002 90006 Is the karambit a fighting knife? 90008 90007 The karambit is a multi-purpose utility knife. While the karambit’s features readily lend themselves to combative and tactical use and its use in battle has been finely honed through centuries of field testing via perpetual Southeast Asian conflict and war, the karambit has been, will be and remains, first and foremost, a tool .It is not specifically designed for fighting or as a fighting knife and even though fighting karambits exist, its traditional purpose centers around every day carry and use. 90004 90002 Return to Top 90004 90002 90006 I’m not a martial artist. I’m a hunter, fisherman, rock climber or backpacker. Can a karambit be useful to me as a utility knife? 90008 90007 Absolutely. The karambit was originally developed as an agricultural and field tool. It can be used for gutting, cleaning, scoring, scaling, cleanly slicing ropes, survival situations and many other utilitarian purposes.Particularly for users who may find themselves in difficult situations (like rock climbers, cavers, spelunkers and hikers), the karambit’s safety features and blade stability in all environments and in any position can not be beat. Additionally, unlike other field or survival knives, a karambit will stay securely in your hand even if your hand is open, tying a knot or doing something else, like carrying a flashlight or gun. 90004 90002 Return to Top 90004 90002 90268 90004 90002 90006 I’m military, a first responder, EMT, paramedic, search and rescue technician, LEO, or other field operative with boots on the ground.Can a karambit serve as a field, tactical or survival knife? 90008 90007 Most definitely. The karambit excels in tense, high-stress and chaotic situations and due to the sharply curving blade, it provides unparalleled access to tight or difficult to reach areas. The karambit’s ring allows it to be safely used while the carrier is upside down, suspended in open air, underwater, in tight spaces or otherwise working in problematic / restrictive environments. The safety ring provides stability during tasks requiring fine motor control, like cutting off a patient’s restrictive clothing, removing mud-caked bandages from a swollen limb or during intricate field and medical procedures.Simply put, the karambit is designed for maximum efficiency, safety and functionality. In a line of work where seconds can mean the difference between life and death, carrying a karambit as a field knife allows you to work smarter, not harder. 90004 90002 While it’s our hope that you never face a dangerous situation, if you find yourself in a combative struggle while in the line of duty, rest assured that a karambit, with proper training, will readily double as a potent self defense tool. 90004 90002 Return to Top 90004 90002 90006 Can I carry a karambit as an every day carry (EDC) blade? 90007 90004 90002 Yes.From the 11th century on, the karambit has proven itself to be a fully capable every day carry knife. Whether wielding a karambit for work, chores, household use, hunting, fishing, recreation, backcountry survival, self defense or for martial arts, a karambit knife is a practical choice for a safe, multi-use every day carry blade. 90004 90002 Return to Top 90004 90002 90006 Are there varieties of karambits that are best for beginners? 90008 90007 A fixed blade karambit is generally best for beginners as it offers the most reliability and widest range of use.There are no moving parts to worry about and the new user can focus on becoming familiar with the function, balance and use of the blade instead of getting cut while opening and closing it. 90004 90002 Return to Top 90004 90002 90295 90296 90004 90002 90006 How can I learn to use a karambit? 90007 90008 The best way to learn to use a karambit is to find someone who is able to proficiently utilize one for the same purposes and tasks you’d like to be able to do. Whether that’s field use, hunting, on the job or self defense, typically, learning from those who have mastered karambit use in your venue is your best and safest bet.90004 90002 When it comes to karambit use in self defense, close quarters combat (CQC) and as a personal or professional weapon, the karambit is intimately tied to the Southeast Asian martial arts of Pencak Silat and Filipino Kali and has been for over a millennium. While you 90144 may 90145 be able to find a skilled karambit practitioner outside of the SEAsian combative arts, it’s extremely rare for a person to be able to take full advantage of the karambit’s tactical features without at least some training in silat or kali.Both arts are blade arts and both are survival oriented with little interest in sport application. Silat and kali specialize in teaching its practitioners to walk away from an engagement alive at any cost and to utilize any tool or weapon available to its full potential. The karambit, silat, and other Filipino martial arts developed side by side and all are quite complementary. 90004 90002 Tuhon Ray Dionaldo of FCS Kali is a world-renowned karambit expert and is widely recognized both in and out of the Filipino martial arts (FMA) community as the go-to source for functional, combat-ready karambit training.Other well-known karambit instructors, teachers and masters include Jagabaya Steve Tarani, Maul Mornie of Silat Suffian Bela Diri, and Kuya Doug Marcaida of Rochester Kali. 90004 90002 Return to Top 90004 90002 90006 Should I learn to spin a karambit? 90007 90008 No. Or, at least, not right away. Karambit spinning, while flashy and fun, is unnecessary to utilize a karambit to its full potential. It’s a neat trick, but it takes intimate familiarity with the balance of your karambit, how it moves in your hand and how gravity works with / against it while it’s in motion to safely pull spinning or other advanced karambit transitions off.Additionally, the ligaments and muscles in the hand and forearm take a lot of conditioning to be able to safely guide a karambit through a full rotation without losing momentum part of the way through, which almost always results in the tip of the karambit being buried in your forearm. Instead of spinning your karambit right way, begin with familiarizing yourself with the various karambit grips and their uses. 90004 90002 Return to Top 90004 90002 90006 Is a training karambit necessary? 90008 90007 For most people, yes.If you’re an individual who does not need to learn to utilize the karambit as a self defense or safety tool, then you probably will not need a training karambit. However, if there’s any chance you’re going to be involving another person in your practice sessions or the work you’re doing with a karambit requires a specialized skill set or movement of any kind, you need a training karambit. It’s better to be safe than sorry; karambit injuries are nothing to scoff at. 90004 90002 Return to Top 90004 90002 90006 At what point should you switch from a training blade to a live blade? 90008 90007 When you’re certain you will not injure yourself, innocent bystanders or a training partner.Familiarity with your live karambit knife is vital, but safety should always come first when learning to use a karambit. When in doubt, use a practice karambit. Do not use live blades during routine martial arts training or when working with another person. 90004 90002 Return to Top 90004 90002 90006 I’ve heard karambits are dangerous. Are they? 90008 90007 No. A karambit is merely a tool. An individual carrying a karambit may be dangerous, but a karambit on its own is harmless. Like any knife, the karambit’s capability must be respected by its user.Karambits are very sharp, do not handle like the knives most people are familiar with and oftentimes have multiple cutting surfaces and functions. Karambits are not a toy, «for looks» or anything other than a tool requiring proper blade awareness and training for safe use. 90004 90002 Return to Top 90004 90100 90006 OTHER QUESTIONS 90007 90103 90002 If you are a knife designer, dealer, or maker and you want to know more about how Karambit.com Tactical Knives works and how you can sell your knives here, check out our «Information for Custom Karambit Producers.»90004 90002 If you are seeking information concerning our shipping or return policies, you’ll find them here. 90004 90002 If you have any other questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, inquiries or ideas you’d like addressed, please do not hesitate to contact us. 90006 90007 90004 90002 90006 Return to Top 90007 90004 90002 90144 Author: Keagen J. Grace (Background: FCS Kali, Anjing Gembala Pencak Silat, Full Circle Jujitsu) 90145 90004 .90000 Max Venom Karambite Last Ditch Neck Knife 90001 90002 90003 Description 90004 90005 90006 The Max Venom Karambite 90007 ™ 90006 by C Despins 90007 90010 90005 The Karambite is a unique take on the last ditch neck knife concept featuring a formidable and functional S35VN steel blade. It’s unique grip offers amazing versatility and retention for self defense and precision cutting whether in a concealed closed fist or open palm format. When held in an open palm, it is unobtrusive and allows you to grip another object such as a firearm simutaneously.This blade can be almost completely concealed in the hand with the exception of the protruding 1.2 «long blade. The Karambite is built for a life time of rugged and reliable use. Kydex sheath included. The sheath MUST be attached to a lanyard or neck chain so that it may be effectively drawn from the sheath. 90010 90013 About 90014 90005 The Karambite was designed by C Despins, who is a practicing martial artist with experience in Tae kwon do, Judo, Muay Thai, Sayoc Kali and Russian Martial Art.This was inspired by first hand experience from a need to not only have a back up tool, but one that is is in use in the most crucial of times. C Despins holds international certifications in Close Protection and High Risk Zone Operations. He has worked internationally in the field of close protection and competitive intelligence. 90010 90013 Tom Kier on the Karambite: 90014 90005 «The Karambite is a unique and formidable» last ditch «knife with substantial unique application potential.It can not be readily compared to its larger sized predecessors, or even the smallest of traditional Karambit style knives, a design the monopolizes the index finger (trigger finger) and is notoriously difficult to ditch should the necessity arise. The Karambite is optimum for the purpose of inflicting damage to the adversary via reflexive actions such as striking. In this case, the magnification of effect would be substantial. » 90010 90002 90003 Videos 90004 90005 90025 90026 90010 90002 .

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